
YOASOBI / Idol(「アイドル」English Ver. Drum Score (Ayase) / ドラム 中〜上級

楽譜ID : 209407
Idolenglishver 1
Idolenglishver 2

Drum Score
○Opening theme for the TV anime "[Guessing Child]".
TV anime broadcast from April 12(Wed.), 2023

Drum score of YOASOBI's Idol.

Performance video

To make it easy to check and actually play the music, we have compiled it in less than 2 pages.
We made sure to make it a perfect copy. Please enjoy playing!

From a drummer's point of view, the drums are divided into sections for easy practice so that you will not get lost.

Let's Enjoy Play!

We have made every effort to ensure that the music is correct, but please contact us if there are any corrections.

After you purchase the score, we can arrange it to make it easier and cooler to play live, or we can provide you with the data for live arrangements for an additional fee of about 500 yen. Please contact us at the following e-mail address!

Streaming & Download : https://orcd.co/yoasobi_idol_eng
Music : Ayase (https://twitter.com/ayase_0404)
Vocal : ikura (https://twitter.com/ikutalilas)

Translation / Background Chorus Lyrics:Konnie Aoki
English Ver. Lyrical & Vocal Rec Direction:BFNK、Konnie Aoki
Background Shouts:REAL AKIBA BOYZ @realakibaboyz

Original Novel "45510" (Written by Aka Akasaka)

TV anime 【OSHI NO KO】Opening Theme

"In show business, lies are a weapon."
When a pregnant young starlet appears in Gorou Amemiya’s countryside medical clinic, the doctor takes it upon himself to safely (and secretly) deliver Ai Hoshino’s child so she can make a scandal-free return to the stage. But no good deed goes unpunished, and on the eve of her delivery, he finds himself slain at the hands of Ai’s deluded stalker — and subsequently reborn as Ai’s child, Aquamarine Hoshino! The glitz and glamor of showbiz hide the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry, threatening to dull the shine of his favorite star. Can he help his new mother rise to the top of the charts? And what will he do when unthinkable disaster strikes?

Only available in Japan